Caring for the elderly

Welcome to

El​izabeth Lush

Pe​lvic Physiotherapy


Meet Liz

Liz loves working with people as they tackle pain and continence challenges and discover ​their capacity for change. Liz has been working in pelvic health and education since 1998 ​in both small and large teaching hospitals in Sydney and Brisbane as well as private ​practice. Liz has presented lectures and education to specialists, GPs, post grad ​physiotherapists and community groups on pelvic pain, continence and prolapse ​management, She mentors a number of physiotherapists and assists the Australian ​Physiotherapy Association post grad education for Women’s Health as well as University ​of Qld Physiotherapy Undergraduate Education.

Her role with the Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia keeps Liz connected to the inter-​disciplinary community and research developments of our world-class clinicians involved ​in better Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Management. Liz has personally experienced the ​importance of inter-professional collaboration in the care of her 4 children and practices ​trauma informed care. She now resides in the small NSW town Oberon, full of stories of ​resilience and beauty.

Help for your Pelvic Health

Pelvic Pain

Period and Endometriosis Related Pain, ​Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain, ​Post-surgical Pain, Pain with Intercourse

Two adult women doing pelvic muscle exercises

Prolapse Care

Conservative management of Prolapse ​Symptoms, Surgical Pre-hab and Post-​surgical Rehab, Pessary fitting

Hands holding bladder, cystitis, urethritis and Urinary Incontinence, bladder cancer concept

Bladder Pain and Urgency

Overactive Bladder, ‘Prostatitis’, Persistent ​Bladder Pain, Frequent Bladder Urgency, ​Leakage with Urge and Night Urgency.

Help for your Pelvic Health

Inflammation of the prostate, premature ejaculation, erection problems, bladder.
adult and child hands holding intestine shape, healthy bowel degestion, leaky gut, probiotics and prebotics for gut health, colon, gastric, stomach cancer concept

Perineal Care

Preventative Care of Perineal Trauma ​during Pregnancy, Post-birth ​Rehabilitation of Tears & OASIS

Continence Care

Leakage with Coughing, Sneezing, ​Lifting, Running& Intercourse. Post ​surgical Leakage &Post-Void Dribbles

Bowel Care

Painful and Incomplete Bowel Emptying, ​Faecal Incontinence, Faecal Urgency, ​‘Levator-Ani Syndrome’

Help for your Pelvic Health

Birth Preparation

Understanding Labour Pain, Active ​Labour Choices with & without Epidural, ​Partner Preparation for Labour Support

Pre & Post Natal Exercise

Pregnancy Strength, Programs for Birth ​and Baby-Care Fitness, Postnatal ​Recovery, Mum & Bub Exercises

Pelvic Muscle Care

Assessment and Treatment for Damaged, ​Weak or Tight Pelvic Floor Muscles. ​Post-Radiotherapy, Birth or Surgery

In the Press

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Hear Liz interviewed on the Pelvic ​Health Podcast about her post-​surgical rehabilitation

Read Liz’s blog post about ​Prolapse care and getting back ​into exercise

Read Liz’s Blog on Telehealth ​for Continence and Pelvic ​Health Care

Book Now:

Oberon Medical Centre


148 Oberon Street

O​beron, NSW 2787

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Al​l Women’s Health


Telehealth Tuesday PM Saturday ​AM

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